D1.3 Standardized Implementation Strategy of Energy Solutions on Positive Energy Districts/Blocks
This document presents a standardized implementation strategy for energy solutions on Positive Energy Districts (PED) and Positive Energy Blocks (PEB). Together with D1.4 “Energy Solutions Catalogue for Positive Energy Districts/Blocks” and D1.5 “Recommendations for integrating Positive Energy Blocks in strategic and political city instruments”, this report is part of a set of supporting instruments, produced under Work Package (WP) 1 “Urban transformation strategy”, aimed at facilitating wider urban transformation.
These instruments are based on data and insights gathered from activities carried out by the Lighthouse cities (LHc) and Fellow cities (FC), and consortium partners. These interventions have resulted in a set of technically and socioeconomically viable and replicable solutions that form the core of the PEDs implemented or under development in the project’s two Lighthouse cities and five Fellow cities.
The present strategy provides a standardized approach to the process of planning, developing, and implementing energy solutions that lead to carbon neutral territories. Following the SPARCS approach, the proposed strategy focuses on three levels of intervention—building, district, and macro/city level—and considers the solutions’ replicability and scalability, enabling their deployment in other territories and cities, beyond the project’s LHc and FC. It incorporates key strategic aspects such as governance models, business models, financing mechanisms, holistic monitoring and assessment frameworks, and replication and upscaling guidelines, which have been developed in detail by consortium partners across various WPs and Tasks. These elements provide a comprehensive overview of the project’s multifaceted approach.
This deliverable has been submitted, but it is pending official approval.