D3.01 Detailed plan of the Espoo smart city lighthouse demonstrations
This report presents a detailed plan of all the demonstration actions that SPARCS will realise in the city of Espoo, Finland. We start by describing overall summary of the Lighthouse demonstrations in Espoo, and then continue by going into details in the demonstration areas. The demonstration actions cover broadly different low carbon improvements of urban area development, including buildings, energy systems, transportation, urban planning and citizen involvement.
Espoo city structure has five large district centres, and our demonstration areas focus on two of these centres in Leppävaara and Espoonlahti districts. Sello area at the centre of Leppävaara district is an existing urban area, where demonstration actions focus on improving the existing urban infrastructure, although there are currently massive construction sites improving the public transportation connection. Lippulaiva block at the centre of Espoonlahti district is a new block that is currently under construction, hence, offering us a potential to test and demonstrate energy positive block solutions in new buildings. In addition to more practical demonstrations, we have a 3rd demo site concentrating on urban planning in the Kera area, with the high ambition level for sustainable and smart district development. And finally, SPARCS also studies macro level demonstration actions in the city of Espoo.
We will explain in this document the detailed plans for the demonstration phase, including planning of the work, targeted outcome, schedule and partners’ roles and responsibilities. The initial KPI’s have also been recognised, paving the way for impact assessment in collaboration with work package 2 and supporting the preparation for the monitoring phase. A detailed Gantt summarises the demonstration phases, aiming towards Milestone 8 – Completion of the demonstration sites, which is due in M30.