D3.7 Replicating the smart city lighthouse learnings in Espoo: technical, social and economic solutions with validated business plans
This Deliverable document gathers the key learnings from the SPARCS Work Package 3 (WP3) Demonstration Lighthouse City Espoo. This report is the final Deliverable of WP3. The focus in the report is set on presenting the learnings from the demonstration activities conducted in Espoo in the demonstration areas of Espoonlahti / Lippulaiva blocks, Leppävaara / Sello blocks and Kera district during the project and to assess and evaluate the overall replication and upscaling potential of the demonstrations based on the learnings and findings. This document is linked to the earlier Deliverables from WP3, mainly D3.4 Interoperability of holistic energy systems in Espoo, D3.5 EV mobility integration and its impacts in Espoo and D3.6 Optimizing people flow and user experience for energy positive districts, where the conducted demonstrations have been presented in detail.
This deliverable has been submitted, but it is pending official approval.