Two more weeks: Don’t miss the chance and register now for #CONNECTED IN EUROPE: Funding, networking and best practises for smart cities. The virtual conference takes place on February 10th, 2022. Learn everything about digital transformation, networking options & funding programmes. Look forward to an exciting programme on how to successfully manage the digital transformation and connect it to your sustainable and integrated urban development.
We are excited to further inform you about the parallel sessions. In Session 1, we will discuss the scope of the current proposals regarding data and data governance, reflect on its potential impact on municipalities and highlight potential gaps with regards to data management. The session will be led by adelphi. In Session 2, the German Institute of Urban Affairs invites you to learn more about the analysis of the municipal network approach in the field of digital transformation. Be part of the discussion round with the speakers and the audience, where the following questions, will be addressed: What kind of networks are relevant for you? What is your experience with the transfer of Ideas, technologies and practices beyond borders? Is there demand for networking, other than so far available and which kind of support do municipalities need regarding European networking? Various European funding programmes support the European Green Deal and the Digital Strategy. In Session 3, you will get an overview of identified EU funding programmes, an understanding of funding opportunities on topics and you will get some contact points and sources of information. The session will be led by the Steinbeis Europa Zentrum.
You can find the detailed agenda and the registration link attached.
The event is organised by the German Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development. |