The webinar shows how business models can facilitate and increase the replication potential in Smart Cities.
Decision-making processes during urban planning can be performed through different methods and tools:
– The replication speech will be divided into 2 parts: 1) methodologies practised in the cities of mySMARTLife and MAtchUP, as well as the smart solutions selected for replication in the short-medium term. 2) The methodology used in MAtchUP to define the upscaling and replication plans of the technologies tested in the project in order to transfer the know-how to other cities for them to develop their Smart City Strategic Plans.
– A further approach will be provided by the Nature-Based solutions project Urban Green Up , whose main targets are climate change mitigation and efficient water management.
– The last speech will investigate the methodology adopted to analyse and evaluate the business models of Smart City Solutions in the MAtchUP and of Nature-Based Solutions in UrbanGreenUP, addressing common aspects and main differences between the methodological approaches. Also, the session will show the investment plans for upscaling and replicating the smart city technologies demonstrated in MAtchUP and the strategy of UrbanGreenUP related to the exploitation of results concerning Nature-Based Solutions.