29/04/2021 - 24/06/2021
Mobility – Energy – ICT: The activities carried out within the mySMARTLife project aim at the transition of EU cities towards a new concept of Smart Life and Economy.
Take part in the web seminar series starting on April 29th, and learn more about the project’s exploitable results as well as the specific solutions presented in the European smart city projects MAKING-CITY, POCITYF, MatchUP and STARDUST.
Starting on April 29th, 2 pm – 3 pm, with the webinar on Mobility Solutions, the mySMARTLife partners will introduce their innovative technological solutions developed and applied within the project. In addition, speakers from the European smart city projects POCITYF and MatchUP that are working, too, in the field of mobility will join the web seminar to share their lessons learned. You are invited to participate in this web seminar, exchange experiences with the speakers and other participants and learn directly from the projects’ findings and results!
In the next seminar on May 27th, 2 pm – 3 pm, the focus will be on Energy Solutions in connection with refurbishments of buildings, usage of renewable energies and hybrid district heating among other. Next to speakers from the mySMARTLife project, we are looking forward to welcoming representatives of the projects MAKING-CITY and MatchUP.
The last webinar of the series will take place on June 24th, 2 pm – 3 pm, and introduce the ICT Solutions applied within mySMARTLife and European smart city projects MAKING-CITY, POCITYF and STARDUST. Supporting ICT solutions are key to implement Positive Energy Districts and Smart Grids to name a few fields of energy transition.
You can register for the web seminars here. The webinar is hosted by the EU-funded project mySMARTLife and Steinbeis—Europa-Zentrum. The language will be English. In case you should have any questions or enquiries, do not hesitate to get in touch with the webinar organisers from Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum. Please contact Ariadne Dimakou Bertels, ariadne.dimakou-bertels@steinbeis-europa.de.