18/06/2020 - 25/06/2020
In times of corona crisis and social distance it seems all the more important to work on common, positive versions of the future. In this digital »Morgenstadt – City of the Future« event series – we would like to explore what contribution the Smart City can make to overcoming the current crisis. However, we do not want to ignore other major problems: anthropogenic climate change poses major challenges for many cities and regions. Therefore, it is our declared goal to identify solutions and transformation paths for CO2-neutral, livable and resilient cities and to implement them in an exemplary manner with the help of social, technical and organizational innovations. In addition, the digital event series offers interested representatives from cities and industry the opportunity to get to know the Morgenstadt network in more detail.
Program Thursday, 18.06.20 (conducted in English & German)
11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Internal meeting of the Morgenstadt Network (members only)
02:00 pm – 04:30 pm: Presentation Morgenstadt Work Program 2020-2021 & Initiative »Zukunftsfähige Städte und Regionen«
Program Wednesday, 24.06.20 (conducted in German)
02:00 pm – 04:30 pm: Workshop »Innovation Program Climate Neutral Cities« (ICNS)
Program Thursday, 25.06.20 (conducted in German)
02:00 pm – 04:30 pm: Demand analysis: Digitalization and sustainable development in cities in the post- Corona period