30/05/2022 - 03/06/2022
World Canals Conference is an international platform for topics related to inland waterways.
For the first time it will be held in Germany: 30 May – 03 June 2022 under the title “Reshaping landscapes – waterways in transition”.
The core theme of the conference is Transformation from the lignite mining region to diverse and tangible water landscapes in Central Germany and worldwide. The four conference days will concentrate on the following topics:
- change of industry and landscape
- transition of every day life
- challenges and potentials of waterways
- lively and livable water landscape
The broad international conference and local excursion program is intended to impressively convey how tourism, regional development, flood and environmental protection as well as urban renewal can be effectively promoted in the midst of structural change, how to resiliently counteract climate change and how water and health can be thought of together. In addition, innovative ideas for the management and development of waterways are to be further developed.
More details and the registration can be found here: https://www.wccleipzig2022.com/