SPARCS’s two lighthouse cities, Espoo and Leipzig, together with research organisations Fraunhofer and SPI, will present a newly created creation model and various citizen engagement platforms used within the project to support activities in the field of engagement and co-creation.
The webinar aims to provide information about the results of the SPARCS project’s engagement actions related to different target segments and the most efficient way to reach them. As SPARCS experts explore the topic through different angles, delving deeper into the project results, you will understand the essential DOs and DONTs in co-creation and citizen engagement.
10:00 CET – Welcoming words
10:05 CET – Case Co-creation model by Jani Tartia, Espoo
10:25 CET – Case Citizen engagement platform by Uta Pollmer, Fraunhofer
10:45 CET – Enhancing municipal working structures for neutral climate development by Nadja Riedel, Leipzig
11:05 CET – Social empowerment and engagement tools in SPARCS – use and results by Nino Gomes, SPI
11:25 CET – Summary and thank you