The 8th Call for VISITOR CITIES 

12/06/24 - 13/06/24

Location: Groningen, The Netherland
sustainable energy solutions

The 8th Call for VISITOR CITIES is now OPEN! – Deadline 22th of May 2024,12:00 CET.

The eighth call for visitor cities to participate in a Site Visit in Groningen (12 – 13 June 2024) is now open! All details are available in the Terms of Reference of Call 8 for Visitor Cities.

Cities interested in learning about the achievements of the MAKING-CITY project, visiting demonstration sites in Groningen, and engaging with consortium members, technical partners, and other visiting cities can now apply by completing the Application form and uploading it to the EU Survey Application Platform

Site Visits promote the exchange of best practices, policies and solutions between cities through an on-the-field visit and direct exchange between one Host City and up to five Visitor Cities. Site Visits offer a platform for cities that are leading important initiatives to showcase them to other peers and share their experience on a concrete domain.

Key topics of site visits:

  • From Positive Energy Building to Positive Energy District
  • Upscaling of pilot projects within the own city/Governance innovation
  • Funding and new business models
  • Transition from a Fellow to a Lighthouse city
  • Digital transformation
  • Monitoring and evaluation

How to apply?

One representative of the city can submit a proposal (city department, public or semi-public utilities companies, public agencies, coordinating authorities, and other public bodies directly linked to the city).

Please fill in the application form (downloadable documents) for becoming a Host City or a Visitor City and submit it on the EU Survey Application Platform. More details and information on the general eligibility, reimbursement and methodology can be found in the terms of reference (Site Visits).