The European City Calculator
Since 2021, Dijon has been part of the EUCityCalc European project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 program. The project aims to support cities in developing transition paths to carbon neutrality that are inclusive and tailored to each territory. To help them design these roadmaps, the European City Calculator is an open-source modeling tool accessible on the web that offers cities an overall and sectoral vision of the consequences of different decarbonization measures they can adopt to align their territory with the EU’s 2050 targets. From February 26th 2024, all European cities will have the opportunity to enroll in the EUCityCalc learning program. You will find attached a press release below and you can click here to find out more about the training program and the EUCityCalc project and stay tuned to Dijon métropole and EUCityCalc social networks to make sure you don’t miss the launch.