Using Data to Support Sustainable Mobility Behaviour


Location: Online
Smart Mobility building sustainability

Webinar: Using Data to Support Sustainable Mobility Behaviour

In other fields, such as health, it is quite common to not only design digital behavioural interventions and nudges (e.g. motivational strategies), but to also combine them with information about the relevant context of a person to increase effectiveness. The basic idea behind this is that a person’s decisions and behaviour are also very dependent on the current context. By considering situational variables, we get a more realistic picture of a person’s current context, and in turn, the behavioural interventions and nudges have a greater chance of being effective. Within this webinar, we show how situational aspects relevant for mobility behaviour can be digitally represented and integrated in a Geographical Information System (GIS) to be further used for “situation-aware nudges”. Moreover, we will show how the collected data can also be used to feed it into multiple products, such as a data dashboard that displays multiple indicators for sustainable mobility in a visual, focused format.