Webinar “HOT SPOTS :: of Urban Development, City Cooperations in the Digital Age”


Smart Cities Urban Planning Digitalisation

On the 4th of February 2021, Leipzig will host its thrid online webinar of the events series “HOT SPOTS :: of Urban Development”.

The topic will be “City Cooperations in the Digital Age” and the event is organised together with the University of Leipzig.

From 2021 on, Leipzig will cooperate with Munich and Hamburg, with the goal to develop an urban data platform as well as a digital twin of the city of Leipzig.

The project will be funded by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community in its “Model Project Smart Cities”. In the webinar, we will discuss the role of city cooperations in the digital age and find out which new chances and possibilities will be part of these cooperations.

We are happy to have experts from different fields on board for the discussion:

  • Gudrun Schwarz, Consultant, Smart Cities Unit, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
  • Damian Wagner-Herold, Digitization Expert and Smart City Coordinator, City of Ulm
  • David Bausch, Project Leader CUT – Connected Urban Twins, Digital City Unit of Leipzig

Date: 04.02.2021, 18:30 – 20:00 CET

Participation is free, anyone who is interested can join via the registration or participation links below.

The webinar will be held in German language.