A large step taken towards electrification of Reykjavík’s ports
25 february 2021 | Location: Reykjavik

The city of Reykjavík, together with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Associated Icelandic Ports, Veitur Utilities, Samskip and Eimskip have recently signed a declaration for installing high voltage land connectors for freight ships at the Sundabakki and Vogabakki piers in Reykjavik. The installation will allow freight ships to use renewable electricity from the Icelandic power grid instead of burning oil, while in harbour. This will be the first step in offering electric connection from land to larger ships in Iceland. 

It is estimated that this initial step will reduce oil consumption by 660 thousand litres, or up to 20% of the current consumption in the service area of the Associated Icelandic Ports. The initiative is therefore an important step in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the ports operation and improving air quality around the ports. 

Future steps in reducing emissions from maritime operations in and around Reykjavík will be land connectors for other large ships, such as cruise ships and looking into the possibilities of delivering sustainable bio- and/or electrofuels to ships at the ports.

Both Reykjavík city and Veitur Utilities (subsidiary to Reykjavik Energy) are partners in the SPARCS project. One of the focus points for SPARCS in Reykjavík is to make sure that the electricity distribution will not be bottleneck for electrification of the transport sector.