Citizen-led approach to designing inclusive digital shared mobility services
During the “Premier Innovation Conference” which took place in Copenhagen, Denmark from 5 to 8 June 2022, a new recent SPARCS scientific paper was presented.
Several European cities have committed to a long-term mobility transition to achieve a target of zero carbon emissions. In order to reduce the use of private vehicles, it is argued that digital shared mobility services are sustainable solutions for citizens. This paper proposes early citizen engagement as an approach to designing digital mobility services in inclusive and accessible ways. We present the findings from a mobile probing study involving 10 citizens from Espoo in order to gain first-hand experience of citizens’ mobility needs and behaviours. Our preliminary findings show that giving up private vehicles and distrust of shared mobility solutions is still a challenge. We explore citizens’ attitudes towards shared digital mobility services and propose design guidelines to resolve challenges of accessibility and inclusion in those services.