City of Kladno Virtual on-site: from vision to projects
25 may 2021 | Location: Kladno

On Friday April 23rd, the City of Kladno, together with CVUT & Fraunhofer IAO, carried out an online workshop to conclude the three-week virtual on-site with an intensive discussion about specific project proposals. This is a major milestone part of the SPARCS T5.3 Replication in which. all SPARCS Fellow Cities are working on their Implementation plans that are produced through a combination of data source analyses: the Indicator & Action Field assessment, analysis of Strategic Documents and the on-site with interviews and a concluding workshop. This results in a list of minimally 10 to 15 project outlines, describing the objectives, components, stakeholders and other project characteristics. The final workshop aims to make the project plans more detailed and to identify Project owners.

The city of Kladno has taken the opportunity to use SPARCS as a boost of momentum to transform the city, following a strategic plan that touches upon the main urban challenges. For this reason, other workshops were integrated in the virtual on-site and it assured great participation during the interviews and the final workshop. Important partners with great impact in Kladno such as  TEPO (heating city distributor),Sev.en Energy (electricity and heating power plant), Arriva (transport operator), Veolia (water management operator) or AVE (waste management operator), were all present and actively helping to address different projects in Kladno. 

The workshop started with an introduction by David Škorňa of the City of Kladno and was followed by an overview of what happened in SPARCS before, by Pieter Bult from Fraunhofer IAO. An analysis of 50 Indicators and 35 Action Fields, together with the strategic documents of Kladno provided an initial insight into the city´s situation and plans for the future. During the three-week on-site, 11 interviews were conducted, with dozens of partners, and two other workshops with the Energy-Ecosystem and PED involved stakeholders took place.
After this, it was time to dive deeper into the particular projects that were chosen for this workshop in smaller groups. The projects in the first round looked at Smart Regulation, Public Retrofitting & PV integration, the Urban Data Platform & Smart Applications, and Smart Parking management. 45 Minutes of good discussions resulted in more detailed information on the projects and valuable information for the city on who to involve and who could take a more responsible role in further development. After a short 10 minute break, in the second round the groups engaged themselves with Mobility Hubs & Kladno Stations, Energy from Waste, Smart Metering in Public Facilities, and Charging & Shared eVehicles. The City of Kladno is also planning other projects which will be disseminated with partners in forthcoming weeks.
The workshop continued with the presentation of outcomes of the different groups and a short discussion on the further development of the projects. Within SPARCS, the next steps for Kladno are to integrate these project ideas in the SECAP and the Implementation Plan Deliverable as prepared by Fraunhofer and together with BABLE, define the project(s) that will be taken into the Project Development stage. In May, the City of Kladno, together with partners will organize a Round table focusing on role of business, investment and capital in urban transformation, since a potential business schemes play crucial role in future city development

To end the workshop, City Councillor and architect Ondřej Rys closed the meeting by speaking out his gratitude to all participants for their valuable input and added that with the same spirit, a lot is possible in Kladno to transform towards a more sustainable and liveable city for its citizens.