Energy Atlas Leipzig – Consolidating, visualizing and sharing data on renewable energies
In Leipzig, something exciting is happening to make the city more eco-friendly. The CUT Academy introduces the Energy Atlas as a pivotal component of its initiatives. Collaborating closely with the City of Leipzig, the SPARCS and CUT projects focus on developing a robust planning foundation for the city’s renewable energy expansion. This atlas collects, plausibilizes and visualizes diverse data sources to facilitate prospective scenarios, serving as a critical tool for Leipzig’s strategic push toward renewable energy expansion and meeting climate protection goals.
Functioning as a knowledge-sharing hub, the CUT Academy, aligned with the Connected Urban Twins (CUT) project, hosts interactive webinars to disseminate insights and experiences. The associated video clip provides a glimpse into the CUT Academy’s role in Urban Digital Twins and the Energy Atlas. Moreover, the Academy offers additional specialized content on diverse subjects at Connected Urban Twins.
The CUT project, as one of 73 selected Smart Cities model projects, is funded by the German government to support cities and municipalities in the sustainable implementation of digitalization in urban development. The three partner cities Hamburg, Munich and Leipzig are working together on the development of urban digital twins, which are of crucial importance for integrated urban development. These digital images enable “what-if” scenarios for livable and sustainable cities. The basis for these digital twins is formed by up-to-date and digitally available basic and specialist data.