Explore Smart Energy Solutions: MakingCity & SPARCS – two best practices from Europe
Mari Hukkalainen, senior scientist from VTT, presented SPARCS demonstrations as best practice case studies for smart energy solutions in EIP SCC’s online matchmaking event. The event was held in a webinar form, and an audience of over 151 people had the opportunity to ask direct questions from presenters. As an example, SPARCS demonstrations in Espoo were introduced shortly, with giving insights about the positive energy block solutions in Lippulaiva in Espoonlahti district in Espoo. Lippulaiva demonstration has three main demonstration topics: sustainable energy solution, e-mobility and citizens’ engagement. Heating and cooling demand will be provided from geothermal regenerative heat pump system, while solar electricity will be produced on-site from PVs. Electricity storage will enable smart energy balancing and participation to the Nordpool’s reserve market. Lippulaiva block is currently under construction.
As the special focus of the event was the opportunities for scaling up and arranging financing for new smart energy solutions towards positive energy districts. The session was hosted by Eelco Kruizinga, and Cecilia Sanz-Montalvillo from CARTIF Technology Centre presented the best practice cases from MakingCity project.