Kifissia City Vision 2050
25 february 2021 | Location: Kifissia

The City Vision 2050 workshop was successfully implemented on the 2nd & 3rd of November, for the municipality of Kifissia. Citizens, city employees and representatives of the local business community and organizations/associations had the opportunity to envision the future of the city as a carbon free city.

A series of actions also preceded the workshop, in order to ensure the representation of as many citizens as possible in such an important task. The results of the 2 teleconferences “Let’s design our city” that took place on October 27 with members of the Municipal Council and citizens, as well as the drawings of primary school children of the Municipality were an important inspiration for the work of the two-day workshop.

The workshop was an important milestone and the Greek Minister of Education Mr. Niki Kerameos (online), Mr. Vassilis Xypolytas, OSY (Public Transportation Organisation) and Mr. Dimitris Xinomilakis President of SADAS – Panhellenic Association of Architects, addressed a greeting to all participants.

During the workshop the team evaluated the current situation in 6 strategic pillars: Mobility / Transportation, Energy Consumption of Buildings, Green Energy, Urban Planning, Smart City, Citizen Awareness, and evaluated new trends and developments in various fields, such as: Urban development and planning, Urban passenger transport, Integrated digital networks, and applications, Personalized way of life in urban society, New materials and technologies, Decentralization and democratization of energy supply, Active citizens demand participation.

In the end, 22 vision statements were created under the 6 strategic pillars that describe the aspiration for the city in 2050.  The overall vision of the city is summarized below.

The Municipality of Kifissia is a delight to walk and bike around through its extensive pedestrian and bike paths, the superblocks, and its natural beauties. The bike and pedestrian paths extend to every part of the city, making it possible to walk or bike to any neighborhood with safety. Special care has been taken to make sure that the city is accessible to all, including people with disabilities, strollers, etc. All main road arteries have become underground tunnels reducing traffic and at the same time creating green areas on the ground. Smart traffic control systems ensure the smooth and safe mobility of all vehicles. Parking is managed through a smart system, and the use of shared e-vehicles is facilitated throughout the city. Technology and advanced building materials have enabled all buildings in Kifissia to become energy efficient. Upgrades are optimizing both the energy management and demands benefiting both the environment and the citizens through reduced energy consumption. The city has become energy autonomous, via the use of RES and sustainable waste management and 100% digital, using the latest technologies. The citizens of Kifissia are highly engaged and have developed an environmental mindset, through learning, motivations, and the continuous development of innovations around sustainability.”