Kladno has launched a Public hearing on SECAP
Preparation of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) had stepped into the last stage. In April the city representatives launched an online public discussion (due to the pandemic situation) on important long-term strategies focusing on the city´s future development. The public had a chance to submit their opinions, comments and suggestions on the Sustainable Development Strategy of the City of Kladno (SUR) and the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP).
Since last year, Kladno has been preparing two important documents that set out the development goals and how the city should look in ten years (with outlook to 2050).
In cooperation with working groups and experts, SECAP was designed into the proposal version outlining the goals and specific measures to be taken in the future. In April also individuals, associations, representatives of the business or non-profit sector, educational institutions, and others do have a chance to raise their voice and bring any ideas for future perspective.
SECAP has been prepared under the SPARCS project. It contains proposals in the areas of energy, electromobility, energy efficiency, public lighting, waste and water management, housing, heating system and climate change. Under the plan, the city is committed to reducing carbon emissions by at least 40% by 2030, as well as increasing energy efficiency and making significant use of renewable energy. In 2050, the city should become so-called carbon neutral.
At the same time, Kladno is drafting the overarching Strategy of Sustainable Development of the City of Kladno to demonstrate overall effort for city development in several areas such as transport, environment, education, social services, business, development of information technologies, etc.
More information could be found HERE.