Kladno: new intelligent digital energy management in buildings
Kladno will be able to effectively manage energy consumption in its buildings, including schools, administration buildings, and even residential buildings in a single intelligent electronic system. It is a huge step forward in achieving digitalization of the data/information about our buildings and their effective management.
Extensive data collected by advanced technology will be used by city management when deciding on investments in energy and cost-saving measures in individual buildings. An unlimited number of electricity, water, heat, natural gas, and other commodity consumption points can be involved in the management of EnergyBroker system.
The system operates with dozens of functionalities, key modules are optimization of distribution costs; an assessment of the actual energy performance of buildings; monitoring the development of electricity and natural gas prices on energy exchanges; year-on-year comparison of energy consumption, costs, average prices; monitoring of CO2 production and other emission factors or for instance quick access to the application using QR codes for self-reading setups.
The system also consists of a facility management module and the city would be able to monitor the status and dates of revisions and inspections of technical equipment of buildings and at the same time record all technical information, including the storage of relevant documentation.
The existence of the system is a prerequisite for the economical and efficient use of resources for energy. City team and individual building managers will be the crucial factors in terms of achieving effective measures in the buildings.
The introduction of the tool is one of the key projects within international project SPARCS and it is part of systematic project outlines of Smart Metering.