Lviv City Vision Workshop
25 february 2021 | Location: Lviv
Citizen Engagement

To reach climate neutrality it is necessary to collaborate with all city residents and create a clear plan to achieve this goal. For this purpose on the 24 & 25.09.2020, a workshop `Lviv Vision 2050` was held in the inner yard of Lviv City Council.

The key strategic areas of discussion were: infrastructure and housing, spatial development and mobility, waste.

In the course of the work, the participants identified the existing challenges related to ensuring a neutral impact on the climate, focusing on “what we leave in the past” and “what we will take into account in the future”. Based on them, a scenario of achieving zero carbon future in Lviv was created.

By 2050, to fulfill the goals of climate neutrality, further steps will be undertaken in Lviv:

1. greening of such sectors as economy, energy, household, transport;

2. cohesion of Ukraine with the European values in the context of the EU’s transition to a climate-neutral Europe by 2050;

3. fulfillment of obligations to the world community to preserve ecological balance.