Montessori students explore sustainability at SPARCS Site
SPARCS Leipzig
17 july 2024 | Location: Leipzig

A few days ago, SPARCS partner – CENERO Energy hosted 5th and 10th grade students from the Montessori Gymnasium at SPARCS demonstration site – the Baumwollspinnerei. The students were given an energy-focused tour of the property, showcasing the impact SPARCS has had on the area.

Representatives from CENERO Energy explained the new energy concept and demonstrated its implementation. Each tour lasted a good two hours, during which the students explored the combined heat and power plant, the rooftop solar installation on Hall 10, the bidirectional charging station, and the electricity storage units. The students were deeply engaged with the topics of sustainability and renewable energy, actively asking questions.

At the end of the tour, the monitoring tool,, was used to show how much energy is consumed and generated at the Spinnerei. Here too, the students asked critical questions about how to become even more sustainable. CENERO’s long-term partnership with the Montessori school is a real asset. Thanks to it,  valuable insights are gained into how young minds think about energy issues, and perhaps such type of activities may spark a strong curiosity in some of the students. Who knows, maybe CENERO Energy will welcome some of them to the company in a few years as junior engineers.

Article and photo credits: Knut Maurive