SPARCS Mini-Webinar: Human Factor in Designing Sustainable Environments
25 february 2021 | Location: Espoo

SPARCS mini webinar on “Human factor in designing sustainable environments” was held on 11 February 2021. The webinar discussed what is the purpose of design, is it about beauty or guidance to sustainability?

Prof. Pelsemakers was presenting examples of how design can guide or hinder occupants to live and work in a sustainable way. Dr. Dooley was giving insights on how convenience is the biggest driver of change in the built environment today and practical examples we already have in sharing tools and equipment as well as in local services. Sustainability leader, Elina Wanne from the City of Espoo, which is one of the SPARCS Lighthouse cities, was giving highlights of how the city is taking citizen needs and opinions into account in the holistic sustainability design of the city.

Presentations and Recorded Webinar