SPARCS Replication Workshop in Leipzig
In the last three years, various products and solutions have been developed, introduced and tested in the Dunckerviertel and Baumwollspinnerei demo quarters as part of the SPARCS project. The knowledge gained will now be incorporated into ongoing developments over the next two years and the products will be further developed. In addition, it is planned to apply these SPARCS products to other parts of the city of Leipzig in order to make them permanent over the SPARCS period (until 2024). To this end, the Leipzig consortium is developing a replication strategy with each other. The replication workshop last summer marked the beginning of this process. The Digital City Unit conducted this workshop in cooperation with the project partner Seecon Ingenieure.
The first workshop kicked off the Leipzig consortium’s process of sharing lessons learned over the past three years in order to evaluate use cases in terms of their potential for replicability. To this end, the first step was to evaluate the prerequisites for replicability of the use cases according to “legal, technical and spatial” characteristics. In the second step, the partners of the Leipzig consortium evaluated the use cases based on the following criteria:
– Replicability in other quarters:
o Evaluation of the replicability potential (high, medium, low)
o Individual building or partial or total quarter
o Actors to be involved
o Target groups
o Prerequisites
In a second workshop held on 19.01.23, the Leipzig partners presented their initial thoughts on replication strategies. The development of business models is a central goal of the replication strategy in SPARCS.
The following insights were gained from the workshops:
– Technically, many use cases are feasible, but current federal regulations are the biggest hurdle.
– A large number of the SPARCS use cases have replication potential.
In the next steps, business models will be developed by the partners.