SPARCS team in Eurocities conference in June 2022
20 june 2022 | Location: Espoo
Smart Cities

Espoo organized the annual conference of the European city network Eurocities from June 8th to 10th 2022. Hundreds of European urban actors as well as a significant number of EU decision-makers and officials arrived in Espoo. Important themes for the Espoo Annual Conference were youth participation, co-development and urban leadership in the fight against climate change. The title of the conference was “An Era of New Beginnings, Dream – Act – Lead – Together”.

“It is important that we follow and take part in the European discussion on the future of the cities, share our know-how and learn from others”, says Mayor Jukka Mäkelä from City of Espoo.
SPARCS project was also presented in the conference. During the conference, the SPARCS project had its own stand and representatives on site to talk more about the projects goals and meet the visitors. The esteemed and successful event reached many and it was great to be on site to sense the enthusiastic atmosphere. Most valued part of the conference was to meet the project authors and conference guests.